School Year Rates 2024
Registration Fee
(non-refundable)$80 for first child $70 for siblings
Monthly Rates
(Will not include breaks during the school year)
After school only : $295 ($285 for sibling)
Before and After school : $350 ($340 for sibling)
Full Time Before School only : $110 per month
Fall, Winter, Spring Break Camps will be $44 per day OR $200 for the 5 days in a row we are open.
Daily Rates
(may change due to school dismissal times)Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri : $16 per day
Wednesdays (1:15 pm release) : $21 per day
Early Release (11:10 am release) : $31 per day
Morning : $6 per day
Full Days : $44 per day (including summer)
DROP-IN Rate : $8 additional per day
(contingent on space available)Special Summer rates
Weekly : $200 (Sibling $190)
Jr. Leader (6th grade and up) : $27 per day
Field trips are an additional cost
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